Stay safe in Croatia

About Croatia

General info

General information

Geographical position:
Croatia extends from the furthest eastern edges of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian lowlands and the banks of the Danube in the east; its central region is covered by the Dinara mountain range, and its southern parts extend to the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

the mainland covers 56,542 km2, and the surface of the territorial sea is 31,067 km2.

4,437,460 inhabitants; composition of population: the majority of the population are Croats; national minorities are Serbs, Slovenes, Hungarians, Bosnians, Italians, Czechs and others.
System of government:
multi-party parliamentary republic.

Zagreb (779,145 inhabitants), the economic, traffic, cultural and academic centre of the country.

5,835 km of which 4,058 km comprise a coastline of islands, solitary rocks and reefs. Number of islands, solitary rocks and reefs: 1,185; the largest islands are Krk and Cres; there are 50 inhabited islands.

Highest peak:
Dinara: 1,831 m above sea level.

There are two climate zones; a temperate continental climate, locally also a mountainous climate, prevails in the interior, whereas a pleasant Mediterranean climate prevails along the Adriatic coast, with an overwhelming number of sunny days, dry and hot summers, mild and humid winters; average temperature in the inland: January 0 to 2°C, August 19 to 23°C; average temperature at the seaside: January 6 to 11°C, August 21 to 27 °C; the temperature is about 12°C in winter, and 25°C in summer.

kuna (1 kuna = 100 lipa). Foreign currency can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, post offices, travel agencies, hotels, camps, marinas; cheques can be cashed in banks.

Useful info

Useful information

Kuna (1 Kuna = 100 Lipa). There are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 Lipa coins, 1, 2, 5 and 25 Kuna coins and 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 Kuna banknotes.

Foreign currencies:
can be exchanged at banks, exchange offices, post offices and at most tourist agencies, hotels and camping grounds. Banking hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays banks are open until 1 p.m. In the larger cities some banks are also open on Sundays. Credit cards: Most hotels, restaurants and shops accept credit cards (American Express, Diners Club, Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa, Sport Card International). Cash dispensing machines are ubiquitous.

Voltage of city power grid – 220V, frequency 50HZ

Tap water is potable throughout Croatia.
The telephone code for Croatia is +385.

Time zone:
GMT plus one hour in winter and GMT plus two in summer.

Travel documentation:
Passport or some other internationally recognized identification document. Tourists may remain in Croatia for up to three months.

For more information:
Diplomatic consulates of the Republic of Croatia abroad or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia.
Tel. 01 4569 964

Customs regulations:
Customs regulations of the Republic of Croatia are in line with the standards of European Union countries. Foreign currency is freely brought in and taken out of the country (up to a value of 3.000 euro’s); up to a value of 15.000 kn for domestic currency. More expensive professional and technical equipment should be registered at the border. Dogs and cats, accompanied by their owner, need to have an International certificate from a registered veterinarian stating that at least 15 days and not more than six months have passed since their vaccination against rabies. Tax refund for goods purchased in Croatia over 500 kuna in value with a validated “Tax cheque” at departure from the country.

Information: Republic of Croatia Customs Administration (tel 01 6102 333)

Purchase tax reimbursement for foreign citizens:
Tourists making purchases in Croatia (apart from petroleum derivatives) which exceed 500 Kuna per receipt may reclaim VAT (“PDV”) (Non EU citizens).
At point of purchase the sales person will provide on request a form PDV-P, which should be filled out and stamped, on the spot. On leaving Croatia the receipt must be verified by the Croatian Customs service. A PDV refund in Kuna can be obtained within six months, either at the same shop where the goods were purchased (in which case the tax is refunded immediately), or by posting the verified receipt back to the shop, together with the account number into which the refund should be paid. In this case the refund is dealt with within 15 days of receipt of the claim.

Medical service:
There are hospitals and clinics in all larger cities and first aid clinics and pharmacies in all places. Foreign tourists do not pay for medical services if the Health Care Convention was signed between Croatia and the country they come from. Expenses of health services provided to persons coming from the countries with which the Health Care Convention was not signed are charged directly to users according to the price list. For patients whose lives are in danger, there is emergency transport by air(helicopter) or sea (speedboat).

There is a network of veterinary clinics and centers in Croatia.
Information:, e-mail:

National holidays:
1 January – New Year’s Day; 11 and 12 April – Easter, including Easter Monday; 1 May – Labor Day; 10 June – Corpus Christi (Movable feast); 22 June – Anti-Fascist Resistance Day; 25 June – Statehood Day; 5 August – Victory Day and National Thanksgiving Day; 15 August – Assumption; 8 October – Independence Day; 1 November – All Saints” Day; 25 and 26 December – Christmas Holidays.

Working hours:
Shops and department stores are open between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., or to 3 p.m. A smaller number of stores close between noon and 4 p.m. Many stores are also open on Sundays, especially in the summer, and a smaller number in the larger cities are open 24 hours a day. Public services and companies usually work from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

Post and Telecommunications:
Post Offices are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Saturdays until 1 p.m. There are Post Offices in the larger cities which are open until 10 p.m. in the summer. Postage stamps are sold in Post Offices and at newsstands. Public telephones can be used only with phone cards, which can be purchased in Post Offices and at newsstands, in hotels and tourist complexes.

Environmental protection:
Protection of the biological diversity is in conjunction with the EU regulations currently in force. The water quality of the Croatia’s Adriatic Sea is of high quality for swimming and in conjunction to the EU criteria. In case of an accident or contamination of the sea, please contact the National Centre for Sea Search and Rescue on the number 9155 (free telephone), which is a part of international institutions of the same rank. In case of accidental environmental contamination on land, report it to the National Information Centre on the number 01/4814 911
For additional information about the environment: tel: 01/6106 111
Tel: 0800 200 037 Web:

Fire prevention:
Ensure that you have done everything to prevent a fire! Do not throw lit or flammable objects into the environment! If you see a fire, please inform others in your proximity; report it immediately on the telephone number – 93; try to extinguish the fire till the fire-fighters arrive and in such a manner so as not to endanger yourself or others! Take notice of signs forbidding the lighting of fires! Take care that your parked vehicle does not obstruct accesses to the fire or roads!

Important telephone numbers:
International dialling prefix for Croatia: 385
Ambulance 194
Fire-service 193
Police 192
Assistance on the roads: tel: (+385 1) 1987; web:
General information 0800 9987

Information about local and district telephone numbers 11888
Information about International telephone numbers 11802

Croatian angels:
unified number of tourist information for all of Croatia 062 999 999
International callers, dial: +385 62 999 999
This service is available in Croatian, English, German and Italian from the 1st of April until the 31th of October.

Radio news in foreign languages during the tourist season:
On Program 2 of Croatian radio, along with the regular news in Croatian, the Croatian Auto Club (HAK) will give traffic reports in English, German and Italian along with nautical news a number of times throughout the day. Other than on Program 2 of Croatian radio, alternating news and traffic reports will be emitted every full hour from the following studios: Program 3 of Bavarian radio, Program 3 of Austrian radio, RAI Uno, British Virgin radio and Czech radio. Throughout the day nautical news will be emitted in English and Croatian.

Croatia by car

Travel by Car – General Information

National Auto club of Republic of Croatia
24 hour technical assistance, provision of information regarding travel on Croatia’s roads and traffic conditions. Dial 1987 for road documents:
To enter Croatia, a driver’s license, an automobile registration card and vehicle insurance documents (including Green Card) are required.

Permitted speeds:
50 km/h – within built-up areas
90 km/h – outside built-up areas
110 km/h – on major motor routes
130 km/h – on motorways
80 km/h – for motor vehicles with a caravan trailer
80 km/h – for buses and buses with a light trailer

Rain: Please adjust speed to conditions on wet roads.

Mobile phones: Use of mobile phones while driving is not permitted

Maximum permitted amount of alcohol in blood: 0.5 per mil for adults over 24 years!

Use of seat belts is obligatory.

Petrol stations:
Open from 7 a.m. until 7 or 8 p.m. every day; in the summer season, until 10 p.m. On-duty petrol stations in the larger cities and on main international routes are open 24 hours a day.
All petrol stations sell Euro super 95, Super 95, Super 98, Super plus 98, Normal and Euro Diesel fuel.

Taxi service:
In all cities and tourist places.

This service is available in all the larger towns, tourist resorts and at airports. Adriatic Travel & Trade offer also this service. Please follow this link.

Check these links for the latest updates on the road conditions and tolls: – Croatian Motorways Ltd – Zagreb-Rijeka Motorway – The Istrian “Y” – Croatian Automobile Club

Road distances

Towns Dubrovnik Karlovac Osijek Pula Rijeka Sibenik Slav. Brod Split Varazdin Zadar Zagreb
Dubrovnik 526 521 711 609 305 472 216 630 377 572
Karlovac 526 336 236 126 282 246 309 154 232 56
Osijek 521 336 572 462 494 91 505 236 559 280
Pula 711 236 572 110 406 482 503 390 334 292
Rijeka 609 126 462 110 296 372 393 280 224 182
Sibenik 305 282 494 406 296 403 97 436 72 338
Slav. Brod 472 246 91 482 372 403 448 239 468 190
Split 216 309 505 503 393 97 448 463 169 365
Varazdin 630 154 236 390 280 436 239 463 386 98
Zadar 377 232 559 334 224 72 468 169 386 253
Zagreb 572 56 280 292 182 338 190 365 98 288

Croatia by bus

Travel by Bus – General information

bus1A very comprehensive coach network connects all parts of the country. There are regular international coach services connecting Croatia with all neighboring countries, as well as Switzerland, France, Germany and Slovakia.

Bus service between major cities (intercity lines) is quite frequent, as well as regional services. The most frequent bus terminal in Croatia is Bus Terminal Zagreb (in Croatian “Autobusni kolodvor Zagreb”).

Bus Terminals:

Bus Terminal Autobusni kolodvor Dubrovnik
20000 Dubrovnik
Put Republike 38
Telephones: 060 305 070
Fax: 020 357 126

bus2Bus Terminal Autobusni kolodvor Osijek
31000 Osijek
Trg Lavoslava Ružičke 2
Telephones: 060 33 44 66

Bus Terminal Autobusni kolodvor Pula
52100 Pula
Šijanska cesta 4
Telephones: 052 500 012
Fax: 052 535 158

Bus Terminal Autobusni kolodvor Rijeka
51000 Rijeka
Žabica 1
Telephones: 060 30 20 10
Fax: 051 332 532

bus3Bus Terminal Autobusni kolodvor Split
21000 Split
Obala kneza Domagoja 12
Telephones: 021 338 469
Fax: 021 338 540

Bus Terminal Autobusni kolodvor Šibenik
22000 Šibenik
Draga 14
Telephones: 060 368 368 060 368 368 FREE
Fax: 022 219 892

Bus Terminal Autobusni kolodvor Zadar
23000 Zadar
Ante Starčevića 1
Telephones: 023 211 555
Fax: 023 340 312

Bus Terminal Autobusni kolodvor Zagreb
10000 Zagreb
Avenija Marina Držića 4
Telephones: 060 313 333

Croatia by plane

Croatia by plane

Aerodrom – Zagreb
10150 Zagreb
Pleso bb
Telephones: (01) 4562 222
Fax: (01) 6265 648

Aerodrom – Split
21120 Split
Kaštelanska cesta 96, p.p. 2
Telephones: (021) 203 555
Fax: (021) 203 422

Aerodrom – Dubrovnik
20117 Čilipi – Konavle
Telephones: (020) 773 377
Fax: (020) 773 322

Aerodrom – Osijek
31000 Osijek
Vukovarska 67, Klisa
Telephones: (031) 514 441
Fax: (031) 514 456

Aerodrom Zadar
Zračna Luka d.o.o.
23000 Zadar
p.p. 367
Telephones: (023) 205 800
Fax: (023) 205 809

Aerodrom – Pula
52100 Pula
Valtursko polje 210
Telephones: (052) 530 111
Fax: (052) 550 914, (052) 550 915

Aerodrom – Brač
21400 Supetar
Terminal bb
Telephones: (021) 559 715
Fax: (021) 559 722

Aerodrom – Lošinj
51550 Mali Lošinj
Privlaka bb
Telephones: (051) 231 666, (051) 235 148
Fax: (051) 231 666

Aerodrom – Rijeka
51513 Omišalj, Krk
Telephones: 051 842 132
Fax: 051 842 132

Croatia by boat

Croatia by boat

The Croatian coastal towns and cities are served by ferry and ship services. The inhabited islands are linked with the mainland (and some of them also with other islands) by ferry/ship services. During the summer, the frequency of ferry sailings is usually increased and fast hydrofoil services are added. The summer sailing schedule normally remains in operation from 31 May to 28 September.

Rijeka district
Car Ferries
Island From – To
Cres – Losinj Valbiska – Merag; Brestova – Porozina
Rab Jablanac – Misnjak; Baska – Lopar
Pag Prizna – Zigljen
Grad Pula Pula – Losinj – Zadar

Ferry lines:
Mali Losinj – Srakane Vele – Unije – Susak – Mali Losinj

Fast ferry lines:
Rijeka – Cres – Martinscica – Unije – Susak – Mali Losinj
Rijeka – Rab – Novalja – Ilovik – Mali Losinj

Zadar district
Car Ferries
Island From – To
Ugljan Zadar – Preko
Pasman Biograd – Tkon
Dugi otok Brbinj – Zadar
Olib, Silba, Premuda Zadar – Ist – Olib – Silba – Premuda
Ist, Molat, Zverinac, Sestrunj, Rivanj Zadar – Rivanj – Sestrunj – Zverinac – Molat
Iz, Rava Zadar – Brsanj – Rava

Ferry lines:
Zaglav – Sali – Zadar Rava – Iz – Zadar

Fast ferry lines:
Olib – Silba – Premuda – Zadar
Ist – Zapuntel – Brgulje – Molat – Zverinac – Sestrunj – Rivanj – Zadar

Split district
Car Ferries
Island From – To
Brac Split – Supetar; Makarska – Sumartin
Poluotok Peljesac Ploce – Trpanj
Hvar Split – Stari Grad; Drvenik – Sucuraj; Split – Hvar
Solta Split – Rogac
Vis – Split

Ferry lines:
Drvenik Veli – Trogir – Split (Brod – Jadrolinija)
Fast ferry lines:
Jelsa – Bol – Split
Ubli – Vela Luka – Hvar – Split

Sibenik district
Car Ferries:
Zirje – Zlarin – Sibenik

Ferry lines:
Sibenik – Zlarin – Prvic luka – Sepurine – Vodice
Sibenik – Obonjan – Kaprije – Zirje

Dubrovnik district
Car Ferries
Island From – To
Mljet Dubrovnik – Sobra (otok Mljet)
Poluotok Peljesac Ploce – Trpanj
Korcula, Lastovo Orebic – Domince (Korcula); Split – Vela Luka – Lastovo; Drvenik – Korcula

Ferry lines:
Sipan – Mljet – Lopud – Kolocep – Dubrovnik

Domestic shipping lines

The main Croatian passenger shiping line, maintains the largest number of regular international and domestic ferry and shipping lines.

Information on sailing times and fares is obtainable from the following addresses:
Riva 16
51000 Rijeka
CROATIA P.O. Box 123
Tel. (051) 666 111
Fax. (051) 213 116

Rapska plovidba d.d.
Hrvatskih branitelja domovinskog rata 1/2
51280 Rab
Tel. (051) 724 122
Fax. (051) 724 018

Losinjska plovidba – brodarstvo d.d.
Privlaka bb
Mali Losinj
Tel. (051) 319 000
Fax. (051) 319 003

Mediteranska plovidba d.d.
Fosa 2
20260 Korcula
Tel. (020) 711 156
Fax. (020) 711 157

Sem Marina
The Croatian passenger shipping company conducts regular catamaran connections:
Split – Solta (Rogac)
Split – Solta (Stomorska)
Split – Vis

Connections for excursions from Split to Bol, Hvar, Korcula, Vis and Komiža
Tel. (021) 338 219; 338 292
Fax. (021) 338 267

International and special lines

The main Croatian passenger shiping line, maintains the largest number of regular international and domestic ferry and shipping lines.

International Car Ferries:
Rijeka-Zadar-Split-Stari Grad (otok Hvar)-Korcula-Dubrovnik-Bari
Split – Ancona – Split
Korcula – Stari Grad (otok Hvar) – Split – Ancona
Zadar – Ancona – Zadar
Zadar – Brbinj (Dugi otok) – Ancona
Dubrovnik – Bari – Dubrovnik

Information on sailing times and fares is obtainable from the following addresses:
Riva 16
51000 Rijeka
CROATIA P.O. Box 123
Tel. (051) 666 111
Fax. (051) 213 116

Sem Marina
The Croatian passenger shiping line which maintains the international daily ferry lines: Split – Ancona – Split.
Season lines: Rijeka-Zadar-Split-Stari Grad (otok Hvar)-Korcula-Dubrovnik-Bari, Ancona – island Hvar – Ancona, Ancona – island Vis – Ancona, Zadar – Ancona – Zadar, Ancona – island Mali Losinj – Ancona.
Boktulijin put b.b.
21000 SPLIT
Republic of Croatia
Tel. (021) 338 219; 338 292
Fax. (021) 338 267

The Italian passenger shiping line which maintains the regular international ferry lines Ancona – Split – Ancona (“Linea costa istriana”).
Jadroagent – Split
Gat sv. Duje 4
Tel. (021) 338 227
Fax. (021) 338 335
The connection Trieste – Grado Lignano – Piran – Rovinj – Brijuni during the season.

Jadroagent – Rijeka
Tel. (051) 211 152

The Italian company SNAV sails its fast line between Italy-Croatia in only 4 hours. Ancona, Civitanova, Giulianova and Pescara are connected to Split, Zadar and Croatian islands.
Gat sv. Duje 4
tel: (021) 322 252
fax: (021) 322 253

Boze Milanovica 20
52440 Porec
Tel.: 052/422-896
Fax.: 052/422-894

Departure for Venice from ports:
Umag (once a week)
Porec (daily)
Rovinj (six days a week)
Pula (two days a week)
Rabac (once a week)
Mali Lošinj (once a week)

tel. +39.080.5928400 +39.080.5928400 FREE (Italia)
tel. ++385.(0)20.313178 (Croatia)

Croatia by train

Croatia by train

The rail network connects all major Croatian cities, except Dubrovnik. There are direct lines to Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia and Montenegro. There are indirect lines to almost all other European countries.

Eurocity and Intercity:
EC “Mimara”: München – Salzburg – Villach – Ljubljana – Zagreb;
IC “Croatia”: Vienna – Maribor – Zagreb;
IC “Sava”: München – Salzburg – Villach – Ljubljana – Zagreb – Beograd;
IC “Kvarner”: Budapest – Zagreb – Rijeka;
IC “Podravka”: Osijek-Nasice-Virovitica-Koprivnica-Zagreb
“Olimpus”: Zagreb-Beograd-Skoplje-Solun
Express: Zürich-Zagreb

Hrvatske zeljeznice d.o.o. Mihanoviceva 12
10 000 Zagreb
tel: (01) 4577 111
fax (01) 4577 730
Timetable information: tel: 060 333 444
10 000 Zagreb

Željeznički kolodvor Šibenik 22000 Šibenik
Fra Jerolima Milete 24
Telephones: 022 333 699
Fax: 022 333 699

Željeznički kolodvor Split 21000 Split
Zlodrina poljana 20
Telephones: 060 333 444
Željeznički kolodvor Zadar 23000 Zadar
Ante Starčevića 3
Telephones: 023 212 555

Željeznički kolodvor Pula 52100 Pula
Kolodvorska 5
Telephones: 052 541 982
Fax: 052 541 714

Željeznički kolodvor Rijeka 51000 Rijeka
Trg Kralja Tomislava 1
Telephones: 060 333 444

Zagreb Glavni kolodvor
10000 Zagreb
Trg kralja Tomislava 12
Telephones: 060 333 444 , (01) 37 82 532 , (01) 48 11 842 , (01) 49 22 224